What is Cloud Native

What is Cloud Native

Cloud Native Application for Future Oriented Businesses - With the increasing use of cloud services, applications designed for the cloud from the start are an evaluation point. They offer flexibility, speed and security as well as positive effects on the classical system.What is Cloud Native?

Native Cloud Applications (NCA) are programs and services specifically designed for cloud computing architecture to enable smooth operation of the cloud. This is mainly microser services, but also independent systems or big-data applications.

So, Microsoft divides the development task into separate services and then runs it on several servers in different locations. Microsoft services often focus on one specific function, eg For example, collecting data, sending messages, or reading sensors. In short:

  • The original cloud application is based on this microser service and consistently utilizes services provided by cloud.
  • They are regulated as micro service systems that are connected to each other.
  • As mentioned, each microservice means exactly one function with clear boundaries and an API (Application Programming Interface).
  • It facilitates reproducibility, optimizes resources and ensures transparency!

 Therefore, the Native Definition Cloud is based on all applications that have been designed to be used in the cloud when they are designed. The main guardian of this programming paradigm is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), a foundation that is committed to making genuine cloud computing sustainable and universal.

The main benefit of the Cloud Native approach

The basic strategy is that all applications are designed as a suitable system of Microsoft services. The microser service, including all elements needed to be executed, is packaged in a container. This brings flexibility: a very portable container; Applications can be run in any environment. If the application design supports horizontal scaling, several container instances can be started or stopped simultaneously. To control system monitoring and balance the load between application instances, Kubernetes, Apache Mesos, and other orchestration solutions are designed because manual control is possible, but time consuming and time consuming.

Big added value: The development team is becoming more agile with the Cloud Native application, because this approach divides the application into smaller parts. This in turn is not only made independently, but also automatically tested and provided. Everything does not affect other parts of the application. However, in monolithic applications, parts of the code usually cannot be changed without other parts needing to be changed. Linking shared functions in one code base often results in fewer and more risky software releases.

Original cloud applications interact intelligently

Although the application consists of several services, for example, music streaming services or SaaS staff applications to end users will look like a single application. Interaction runs through the application as a whole and usually only through one API. At the same time, each service is elastic and can be scaled separately from other services - ideally automatically based on triggers that are determined as loads. This enables cost-efficient and efficient use of resources.

In addition, every service is very available, resilient, and able to withstand infrastructure failures. There are fewer errors that result from hardware or software problems. And: Services are designed to act as part of other applications. Each service has at least one API that is recognizable, consistent, and has determined management's discovery, registration and request behavior.

Confidence in the cloud of the original Market

Original cloud applications are becoming increasingly popular. According to the Longitude Research survey commissioned by Capgemini, their potential will increase: Already, about 15 percent of all new applications are Cloud Native. Capgemini now expects more than double that share in 2020. Experts hope that Cloud Native will become the standard in applications that face customers in 2020. The background for this is a shorter cycle of innovation and products, where companies can react quickly and effective with cloud assistance.

This study distinguishes companies based on their level of evolution in terms of native cloud: For those who have focused more on native cloud applications, according to the study authors, positive development of sales is twice as likely as companies that are less committed to this. There is a big difference between industries. About 25 percent of high-tech companies and nearly a third of manufacturing companies rely heavily on Cloud Native, but only 11 percent are banking service providers and 18 percent are insurance companies. However, the gap is likely to be closed soon - all these industries want to invest more in this field in the coming years.

Cloud Native Challenge - where is the critical point?

Business needs to stop old patterns and habits and acquire many new skills. For example, IT can suddenly move closer to product development through Cloud Native and can make an important contribution to competitive differentiation. Another challenge arises from the cost of cultural change.

Responsible people also worry about the shortcomings of operators and developers with the necessary knowledge, which is highly demanded by modern cloud-applications. Experts estimate that the number of vacant posts in this area has doubled in just one year. In addition, there is often considerable uncertainty in the company itself regarding the specific requirements or training required. If you want to be successful here, you must develop a sophisticated strategy for recruiting Cloud Native talent. "Cloud First" must remain in the foreground as a motto, but in the long run, "Cloud Only".

Outlook into the future

Cloud Native Computing will become mainstream, that's all. Many companies from various sectors, including small and medium-sized companies, rely on technologies such as Docker, K8s, etc., Often in production. The business benefits are clear; Therefore it is expected that native cloud technology without alternatives for almost all applications. However, much is still happening, and the flood of concepts and hip sometimes causes confusion. But the reality is that it is an original cloud: This is impressively demonstrated by Docker's triumphant progress and extensive use of native cloud technology in many companies - from initial operations to DAX Group.

Requests for instruments that ensure stability, scalability, and above all speeds will continue to grow. This is where Cloud Native technology such as Docker plays their role, especially when it comes to maximum flexibility and adaptability through continuous scalability of software infrastructure. In addition, other classic systems also benefit from cloud-native principles: they tend to be more tolerant of mistakes, easier to maintain and stronger - benefits that many people won't miss, even if they don't even plan to bring the system to cloud. .