Samsung Easy Printer Manager

Samsung Easy Printer Manager

Samsung Easy Printer Manager is an application developed to help you keep track of the printers installed on your network and adapted to the needs of both beginners and advanced users. It provides you with a simple way to manage multiple printers simultaneously from one computer and notifies you of printing errors and technical warnings. Additionally, the application allows you to order supplies and set scans and faxes to PC settings.

This application is capable of displaying detailed information about connected devices. It can show you the model name and IP address and can even reproduce the message displayed on the printer's LCD screen. This is a really nice feature to have when something goes wrong with a printer that isn't close to you as it makes it easy to identify and fix the problem. In addition, the application provides you with information on toner, paper, and printer trays.

From the advanced interface, you can directly search for printers connected to the network or perform a scan to find them within IP range. Since its main function is to monitor the status of the device, if something goes wrong, you can activate the application to notify you via printer or email about the error. For home and business use whose activities are based on printing needs, the Samsung Easy Printer Manager is a must-have tool. It's easy to use and above all, with enough applicability, so you might want to give it a try. 
